
Courier Work - How Do You Unwind?

Written by Gertie | 15-Jan-2016 11:29:04
Homemade Eggnog 2 by Katie is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Hello, my dears!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season, with just the right mix of courier work and free time to spend with family and friends, as well as lots of presents of course! My own Christmas and New Year were pretty quiet, mostly spent with my nephew and his family, as well as my brother, who came down for the holidays and whom I had not seen in a long while! Much reminiscing ensued, of course, as well as games and plentiful cups of eggnog and hot chocolate!

That bit of downtime – and the pleasure I got from it – also gave me an idea for a couple of blog posts here at Gertie's Cafe. You know I'm never one to let a brainstorm pass me by – especially if it leads to a fun fan interaction – and it was no different this time around.

And what is this most brilliant of all ideas, I hear you ask? Well, simple: I realised we had never really talked about what you, my wonderful readers, do in your own down time, when you're not performing courier work.

That's right – for this round of questions and answers, I want to know how everybody out there likes to spend their free time. I'm sure not everyone reading this has the exact same interests – in fact, I'd even go so far as to guess that the only thing tying everyone together is the fact that you all do courier work. So I want to get to know the people on the other side of my screen a little better - not just the drivers, the people.

So I'm asking you to write in and tell me what tickles your fancy when you're not busy doing courier work to pay the bills. Are you a motorcycle enthusiast? DIY person? Couch potato? Lion tamer? Other? Remember – nothing is ever too embarrassing around these parts. So be yourself, and let's make it fun!

See you next week for a round of (predictably fantastic) answers. Until then, ta-ra!
