
Tell Me About Your Unusual Courier Jobs

Written by Gertie | 12-Feb-2015 12:30:03

Hello, my dears!

Well...another week, another brilliant idea for a reader interaction from the mind of your old Auntie Gertie! I do love when this sort of thing just pops into my head, and lately that has been happening more and more often. I suppose when you have readers as amazing as mine, you become extra-creative in order to be able to please them!

Anyway, enough waffling, I'm sure you're all dying to hear my brilliant idea for this week's question-and-answer session. Oh, you're not? And you don't think it's brilliant at all? Well, you're out of luck, because everyone else (I'm sure) wants to hear it, and I'll tell it anyway. know how most of my readers work in the delivery industry, carrying out courier jobs and the like? And you know how most of the time that means travelling around all over the place and visiting all sorts of places and meeting new people? Well, I'm sure all of our couriers and hauliers will have at least one exciting, strange or quirky anecdote to share - and I want to hear it!

That's right, this week I'm asking you to share your most unusual, odd or offbeat courier jobs with the rest of the readers on the blog. Mind you, your entry does not have to be some grand, epic adventure worthy of a Hollywood film – all it needs to be is something out of the ordinary, even in a small way.

To give an example of what I may be looking to receive from you, here is one from my nephew Stevie to start the ball rolling. 'Most of my courier jobs have nothing at all special about them; but there was this one time when something odd did happen, and everyone who was there still remembers it to this day.

It was one of my earliest courier jobs – I was helping out at a grocery store, both fetching produce for them as well as delivering orders to people's homes. One time, I was coming back from a supplier with a few boxes, when I started hearing a strange noise coming from the hold. It was this sort of whining sound. I was running a bit behind, though, so I didn't get to investigate it until I stopped the van and opened up the back. And lo and behold, there was a dog in there! This gangly old 'Heinz 57' must have slipped in when we were loading up the van without anyone seeing him, and I'd just taken the poor thing for the ride of his life!'

See? Nothing fancy, but still a good laugh!

I look forward to hearing yours as well!

