
Getting Started in Courier Jobs – What Age is Right?

Written by Gertie | 05-Sep-2015 17:32:05

Hello, darlings!

I hope everyone has had a good summer! (As much as Britain allowed for summer to actually occur that is – I cannot recall a more diverse couple of months where weather was concerned!) You're probably all ready to return to your courier jobs (if you took a break) with a fresh outlook and plenty of enthusiasm!

Your old aunt Gertie hasn't been resting on her laurels though, and I have a great few months' worth of posts to keep you entertained. And what better way to start than with one of our regular and ever-popular reader interactions? You lot can't get enough of these, and I keep getting emails asking why I don't do even more! So I feel compelled to oblige, and started racking my brain trying to come up with new topics we haven't covered.

Today's topic is a good one (I think), and I thought we could discuss what you professional drivers think might be the right age to get started with courier jobs. I'm sure some of you have children of your own, and I am also sure at least some of them will be anxiously waiting until they're old enough to follow on the footsteps of Mummy and Daddy!

So my question is: at what age should young people be allowed to take on the responsibility of courier jobs – or any other kind of driving for a living? Should they be allowed to begin at an early age, or they have to wait until they are more mature?

I'm sure many of you reading this will have different points of view, which should make for an interesting discussion. I can't wait to hear them all! So make your voice heard, and let's fill up my inbox, as always!

Until next week, ta-ra!

