
My First Delivery Service – Bob's Story

Written by Gertie | 20-Aug-2015 16:04:41
Love notes by Jamie Buscemi's pics is licensed under CC 2.0

Hello, my dears!

Well – all good things must pass, as they say, and so we come to the end of our full month dedicated to discovering the other side of a delivery service driver's life. I hope you guys had as much fun reading people's stories as I did publishing them – in fact, I enjoyed myself so much that I'd be ready to do this again at some point! So if you feel the same way, feel free to send suggestions for themed months that we might do in the future.

Before looking into the future, however, there is still some of the present left to attend to – namely, one last post for this themed month. And we're ending on a high note, as Bob from Somerset tells us about the delivery service he started with his friends in school. Take it away, Robert.

'Somehow, I always knew I would become a delivery driver – even back in school. In fact, some friends and I started a delivery service of sorts back then – and for a while, it was rather effective!

The way it worked was simply by delivering messages and such from one person to another! For instance, if somebody wanted to give somebody else a love note but wasn't brave enough, he or she could hire us! All we usually charged were some sweeties or football stickers. This was before mobile phones existed, of course, so needless to say our service was a rousing success! We also managed to keep it low-key enough that the teachers never caught us!

We carried out a variant of this service outside of school, as well – mostly helping people with their bags or running errands for older neighbours of ours. We accepted payment in biscuits or the odd quid or two. This worked really well for a time, too, but – being kids – we eventually grew bored and disbanded. Still, though, for the time it lasted, our delivery service was not only good fun – it was useful and profitable!'

I am willing to bet you and your mates were right rascals, weren't you, Bob? Thanks for sharing!

And so we've come to the end of another month here at the Gertie's Cafe blog. Thank you, as ever, for joining me on yet another fun ride, and I shall see you in September!

Until then, ta-ra!

 Gertie