
The 'Put a Courier Driver in Another Job' Game!

Written by Gertie | 15-Apr-2015 11:23:27
Pepsi Delivery by Rob Young is licensed under CC BY 2.0 

Hello, darlings!

Today, I don't want to waffle on too much in this first paragraph, because the idea I had for the actual post is so much fun that I can't wait to share it with all of you! It's a reader interaction, as you might expect, and it has a funny story behind it. So the only detour I'm going to make this time around is going to be so I can recount that.

It all started when I went over to have tea with my nephew Stevie – the one who's a courier driver - and his family. He has a beautiful wife and two adorable little girls who love Great Aunt Gertie to bits – and I love them back!

Anyway, during tea-time, Emily and Emma were making up this game where you had to pick a person and put them in a job different than the one they had – for instance, you could pick Wayne Rooney and explain why he'd be a good (or bad) doctor, or Princess Kate to be a teacher, and so on. They invited me to play and I ended up having so much fun that I thought why not do something like this with my readers - using couriers instead of celebrities?

So that is my challenge to you in today's post – pick a profession other than courier driver and explain why someone who delivers packages or parcels for a living would be good or bad at it.

Remember, unlike my nieces' game, this one does not involve explaining which celebrity would be a better courier driver – although we can play that some other time, thinking about it! Today, though, what I want to know is this: what other professions do you see someone in this field succeeding or failing at it? Replies, as ever, to this blog's email address. You know how this works by now!

Until next week, ta-ra!
