
Courier Rock!

Written by Gertie | 09-Aug-2013 08:41:44
“Playing Guitar” (c) 2007 hugochisholm. Used under a Creative Commons license.

Hello, darlings!

Before we begin today, let me tell you a little secret: sometimes I'm a little jealous of my friend Bill. You know Bill – he runs the Bill's Truck Stop blog and also talks about deliveries, although his involve lorries rather than bicycles or small vans. And he always posts the most fab-u-lous things his readers send in! I mean, his fan base is not as smashing as mine, of course – of course not, darlings! - but he does showcase some pretty interesting reader contributions now and again. I used to be a little envious of that – 'well jel', as you young ones say - but no more. Because the other night, I got a piece of reader mail that can rival anything old Bill posts!


Matthew is a reader of mine from Derbyshire who, aside from being a courier, also fancies himself a bit of a rock star. He also reads Bill's blog, and noticed one of Bill's readers had sent in a couple of tracks inspired by his life as a haulier. So Matt thought 'why not?', and decided to do the same, using his career as a courier as his source of inspiration! The result is the first-ever song in what our superstar calls the 'courier rock' genre. In Matt's own words:

Hi Gertie,

I've been a reader of both your blog and Bill's truck stop blog for a while now, and noticed that some time ago one of Bill's readers wrote a couple of music tracks about his career as a haulier and sent them in, and Bill featured them in a post. This inspired me to do the same, using my job as a courier. I didn't write to you earlier because the song I decided to write was still a work in progress; now that it's almost ready, however, I thought I'd drop you a line and tell you all about it.

This song has the working title of 'Courier Rock', which is also how I would describe its sound. It's a very upbeat, rocking track, designed to energize you when you're on the road, particularly on those days when you just can't be bothered. If you're ever in that situation, pop this one in, and hopefully it will send you on your way once again!

I am currently working on the final touches to the track with my band, the Derby Stallions (don't laugh!). We're hoping to get it finished soon, and then maybe go in a studio somewhere for a couple of hours and record it. If and when that happens, guess who will be receiving an mp3 of the song? ;) Bill will eat his heart out – HE didn't have mp3's for the songs his reader wrote!

Anyway, enough waffling on – keep up the good work and I'll keep reading!


P.S. I play guitar for the Stallions.

Isn't he just the best?! And his band name...hilarious! Thank you so much, Matthew dear, for making my day! And I will be eagerly awaiting that mp3 of 'Courier Rock'...when it comes, I'll post it up here for all my readers!
