
Great Courier Jobs from My Readers

Written by Gertie | 05-Mar-2013 16:35:00

Hello, my loves!

As you may or may not know, I like to keep this blog as interactive as I can. After all, where would I be without my dear readers? And while some may be content to hear some dotty old bird prattle on week in and week out about goodness knows what, others may demand a bit more. It's to those ones that today's post is especially dedicated.

You see, old Aunt Gertie had an idea. Among the e-mails I get every day, there are always quite a few either complaining or rejoicing about courier jobs. I know couriers are a large part of my readership – especially since I began to mention Stevie and his adventures – and they always like to send me ideas for topics to cover, or little rants about why their line of work is the best/worst ever. So I thought, why keep these e-mails private? The stories are often amusing and make me chuckle out loud, and it would be a shame to let them go to waste. This is where my little idea began to form: instead of writing a blog post, I would let my readers write it, with their own amusing or depressing stories. This way, I would feature some of my loyal fans, and give the rest something a bit different.

"Courier on Smithe" © 2005 roland, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license:

The result is what you will see below: a unique post I have called 'Great Courier Jobs From My Readers”. Without further ado, the stage is yours, my darlings!

“Courier jobs are usually quite uneventful for me, but this one time was memorable – for the right reasons. I was delivering a package to this sweet little old lady. She opened it right on the spot and it was a box of chocolates. S

he started giggling and told me it was from a gentleman who lived on the other side of town. They were both widowers, and he was sort of courting her – and that was his Valentine's present! I thought it was really sweet, and I never forgot that particular delivery” - John W., Wales

“By far one of the best courier jobs I've ever had, if not the best, was when I was delivering a package from Amazon, around Christmas time last year. It was gift-wrapped and everything, and when I got to the house, the lady who opened the door called into the house for someone. It turned out to be a little boy, maybe about four or five – the package was for him! I was wearing a Christmas hat, so his Mum told him I was one of Santa's helpers, and that it was his Christmas present. When I asked what it was, his Mum whispered to me it was a Nintendo! I'm sure that little boy was very happy, and I thought it was so cu

te, I didn't even mind working Chrimbo!” - Jessie M., Gloucestershire

“I once delivered a package to Lord Alan Sugar! And he was really nice about it – didn't fire me or anything!” - James F., London

“I've had as many bad courier

jobs as good ones, but one of the best was when I delivered to this bird who was a real looker – kind of up her own so-and-so, she was, but still made my day!” - Harry S. Hampshire

There you have it, then – some of the many tales I receive from my audience regarding courier jobs.  Leave your feedback below.

