
Tales from Delivery Service Origins

Written by Gertie | 15-Sep-2015 17:47:06
Trucking by Randen Pederson is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Hello, darlings!

How's everyone doing? I hope the thought of autumn approaching already (when some of us have barely had a summer to speak of!) isn't making everyone depressed and miserable. I know, from my end, I'll be trying my best to make sure that doesn't happen to all my good delivery service friends!

One of the best ways I've found to ensure everyone is kept cheerful – a sort of blog-post version of tea and buttered crumpets, if you will – is to do a reader interaction. I know those never fail to not only get everyone interested, but also, most importantly, to get everyone involved. So, before October rolls around and everyone becomes glum again, Aunt Gertie is coming in for the rescue with a nice spot of tea, so to speak.

Time to Head Down Memory Lane

As for what the butter on this week's blog-post crumpets is, well, it's another excellent theme that I think everyone will enjoy – and certainly will be able to relate to and get involved in. Specifically, I thought I might lead you all on a trip down memory lane, to when you first started working as couriers. (It could be a long trip for some and a short stroll for others!)

In particular, I want to know all about your first foray into working for a delivery service: what/who it was; at what age you joined; why you joined – in fact, any stories you might have from the past you think might be interesting. Everybody has to start somewhere, and I'm quite sure none of my readers came into existence as a successful owner of a delivery service or courier company! Everyone had to go through a formative stage – and that's the stage I want you to tell me about for next week. This fellow certainly has a tale to tell – I wonder if any of you have stories like that!

So, regardless of whether your first delivery service was set up to take homework assignments to your friends who were ill, or whether you went directly into a high-rolling operation, I want to hear about it. Don't be shy! Write in and let's make sure we have an interesting post to publish next week.

Until then, ta-ra!

 Gertie