
Delivery Services Professionals and Valentine's Day – Your Answers

Written by Gertie | 10-Jan-2017 10:00:14

Hello, my dears!

I hope everyone is doing well, recovering from the Christmas rush (I know how hard December can be for you lot who work in delivery services – Stevie goes halfway crazy every year!) and gearing up for the next rush ahead, coming up in a month or so.

That's right, I'm talking about Valentine's Day, the day when millions of people around the world show their special someone just how much they love them – and also one of the days of the year when people who work in delivery services tend to be the busiest.

It was this last fact that inspired me to come up with the subject for last week's reader interaction (that's right – we didn't waste any time this year!) and ask my readers what Valentine's Day meant to them, at a personal level. I know different people see the day in different ways, and that what for some is a special celebration of love can be nothing but a regular working day for others. That's why I was curious to see how the readers of this blog – who tend to spend the day working – viewed this particular date. And let me tell you – the answers were just as varied as I expected them to be. Then again, what else could I expect from my readers.

So without further ado, here are my three favourite answers to the question above, as sent in by my readers.

'Of course Valentine's isn't just another working day! I mean, sure, it technically is, but I embrace the other side of it, too. Mrs Jacob always gets something special, and she tends to do the same for me. The fact that we both work in delivery services has nothing to do with it – we're in love, so we celebrate Valentine's just like anyone else!' - Jacob, Cheshire

'For me, it's just another day of going around delivering parcels. I'm single, and even if I wasn't, I never cared for it much to begin with. If I want to treat my girlfriends, I'll do it – I don't need some set date on the calendar to tell me to!' - Mike, Hampshire.

'Me and my current boyfriend celebrate it, but when I used to date someone who worked in delivery services, he said he didn't want to - for him, it was just another working day. But I do tend to get caught up in the romance of it all – even when I'm working and making other people happy, instead of my own partner. I'm romantic like that, what can I say?' - Debbie, Tyne and Wear

There you have it – a little sample of the variety of answers I got about this topic, As always, I wish I'd had the room to publish them all, but such is life...

Whatever the case may be, though, I'm proud of you lot. Good work, as always.

Until next week, ta-ra!

  • Gertie
