
Best and Worst Times of Year for Courier Jobs

Written by Gertie | 19-Mar-2015 12:46:20

Hello dearies! we are. According to many on the Internet, spring has sprung, and the wintertime blues are (hopefully) on their way out for another year! So I thought we would celebrate this happy time the best way we know how – with a good old-fashioned reader interaction exercise!

That's right – this is another one of those months in which old Aunt Gertie fills up space, not with her own words, but with those of her wonderful readership, who always have amazingly interesting insights to share. And what topic will they be sharing and saying them about this time around, I hear you ask? Well, since this post is meant to celebrate spring, I thought we'd talk about seasons!

Yes, we are doing something a little different this time around. Rather than take on a topic directly relating to courier jobs, like we usually do, we're talking about something a bit more general – but, of course, we're still approaching the topic from a delivery-service slant. And how are we going to pull that off? Simple – by talking about what your favourite and least favourite times of year are for doing delivery work.

Now, at first, this may seem like a bit of a silly question. Doesn't everyone prefer summer and hate winter the most? Well, actually, you'd be surprised. My nephew Stevie, for example, told me he hates going on courier jobs in the summer, since it's often hot enough for the inside of the van to be like a stifling tin can. And, being an independent courier, he doesn't even wear a uniform – I can only imagine what it's like for people who have to!

So I want to know what your favourite and least favourite times of year are for doing courier jobs. Do you thrive in summer and wilt in winter? Or is it the other way around? Are you an autumn person? Do you prefer spring? Remember, there is no right or wrong answer – and nobody is judging!

Send all answers to the usual place, and I will read them and pick my favourites as ever! (You know how this works, people...really now!)

Until then, ta-ra!
