
Owner Driver Jobs: Where To Find Them

Written by Gertie | 09-Sep-2013 10:42:23
“Job Search” (c) 2012, Tax Credits. Used under a Creative Commons license.

Hello, dears!

Well, it's something a little different from me today. You see, instead of dispensing wisdom and advice about owner driver jobs the way I usually do, today I am going to ask for it!

The thing is, my nephew Stevie – I know I told you about him! - got into a little spat with his boss at the courier company. Not something I necessarily approve of, but lads will be lads, and good for him to stand up for himself! That is what the doting auntie side of me is saying, of course; the sensible side of me is yelling at the little wally for losing his job!
And I know for a fact his Mum is yelling at him for the exact same reason, as well!

There is nothing more to it, though – what's done is done, and Stevie's out of a job. Fortunately, because he has a brain in his head (he gets it from our side of the family), he left with a plan – he would become an owner driver and start his own operation. And why not? He has a van (well, his Dad does, anyway), he has experience, and he knows everyone around here. The only problem is, he doesn't know how to advertise.

And that, my dears, is where you come in. You see, I promised Stevie that I would ask my readership for advice, and that is exactly what I'm doing. I'm specifically reaching out to those of you who have or know where to find owner driver jobs, My question is simple: how does one go about advertising their services in this day and age?

Yes, yes, I know. I can just hear your gasps of disbelief. “Gertie, what do you mean you don't know how to find owner driver jobs? You give us advice about that week in and week out! Yes, my dears, but the thing is, despite spending an excessive amount of time thinking about things such as owner driver jobs instead of enjoying the weather (because that is what you do when you have a blog read almost exclusively by couriers), I am not the be-all, and end-all authority on the matter. Much to the contrary – I gather most of my so-called 'knowledge' from speaking to Stevie, to people who come through my cafe or, to you. That's right, I learn as much from reading your feedback as you do from reading my posts. And that is exactly why I need you to help me now. Any and all information about where to find owner driver jobs, or where to post an advertisement for that kind of service, would be much appreciated. Answers to the usual e-mail address, please.

I look forward to reading what you have to tell me!

