
How Technology Helps the Courier Driver

Written by Gertie | 05-Oct-2017 12:22:43

Hello, all! Steven here!

Yes, you're seeing it right – we're kicking things off with a post by yours truly again. Don't worry, though - I won't be taking this blog away from Auntie Gertie anytime soon. I couldn't possibly do that to her! This is her baby and she needs to be the one to write most of the stuff in it. So this is not a takeover, just a friendly guest post.

Want proof? Well, I didn't actually even ask to be a guest this week. I asked for a week later in the month and I was totally willing to let Aunt Gertie have this one. All I did this time around was present an interesting topic to her – and it was actually her decision that I should write about it, as I would probably know more about it than she did. Thanks Auntie – I'll take on the challenge!

And just exactly WHAT is the theme, I hear you ask? Well, this week, we're going to be talking about how technology can help those of us who make a living out of owner driver jobs.

Top Technology to the Rescue

Now, I'm fully aware that this is something we've discussed a few times before – and I really don't want to repeat the same old points again. So instead of just going through all the different gadgets and gizmos available out there, I thought I'd talk about how they can actually help make owner driver jobs easier, in context.

Of course, for some of these the benefits are obvious. Who among us doesn't know how a SatNav or a GPS app can help save you time by getting from A to B, for example? And the more time we save, the more jobs we can do and the more money we all make. Simple! So, let's talk about lesser-known bits of technology that are just as important for those of us out there doing owner driver jobs.

How about a car charger? What's so special about a car charger? Well, wait until you need to use the GPS app on your phone and you've run out of juice. You're bound to get your answer right there! Or how about hands-free kits, so you can have your phone on your dashboard while using the GPS feature? Or power adaptors, for when you have to travel internationally? While these may not seem like much compared to flashier and fancier gizmos out there on the market, they definitely have a use and we really shouldn't be without them.

And, speaking of fancy gadgets, how about dash cams? For example, these are really helpful when you're involved in an insurance claim, since they provide footage to support your side of the story. A dash cam can often help a claimant win a legitimate case they may otherwise have lost. More and more of us are using them – myself included – and I suspect they're only going to continue growing in popularity in the years to come.

So there you have it – a little overview of not only WHAT gadgets are available for those of us who do owner driver jobs, but also HOW they can help us in our day-to-day life. I hope I did the topic justice and, if you think I did, let Aunt Gertie know!

In the safe.

- Steve