
Things That Make Owner Driver Jobs Worthwhile

Written by Gertie | 22-Apr-2014 13:49:48
‘Sunset Delivery Truck’ (c) 2005 Jon Rawlinson. Used under a Creative Commons license. (

Hello, my dears!

Well, it’s that time of year again! The sun is out, the birds are tweeting (in the old-fashioned sense, not that thing you youngsters do on the Internet) and spring is officially here! Hopefully the worst of this year’s weather is behind us, although with April coming up one can never be sure...

Anyway, as a way to welcome the warmer season and help you lot stay positive until summer, I thought I would make another of our little fan-interaction things. The last one went over really well, even though it was about a slightly more serious topic, so this week I thought we would lighten the mood a little.

‘So what is the topic this time, Gertie?’, I hear you scream. ‘Tell us, please, we can’t contain ourselves!’ Well, since so many of my readers work owner driver jobs, and since I want the next two posts to be positive ones all the way through, I thought I’d let you lot share the best moments of your courier driving careers!

That’s right – this month, I want you all to tell me your best stories. The ones you felt made choosing owner driver jobs as a professional path in life really worthwhile. It doesn’t need to be anything big, mind you – maybe you just liked an interaction with a customer, or going for a bike ride on a particularly sunny day - anything, really. The only rule is that it has to happy and positive, to keep with the mood this blog is trying to keep for the rest of the month.

Unlike last time, when he was unavailable, this time I *did* get hold of my dear Stevie, and was able to ask him about his best moments working owner driver jobs. Here’s what he shared with me:

“My favourite moment working owner driver jobs? There are a few of them, but I don’t think any of them can beat this one from a couple of Christmases ago. I was dressed up as Father Christmas, because I was going straight from work to a Christmas party. One of my deliveries was at this house where, when I rang the bell, this young boy opened. He was about five. He just stood there staring at me, took the package, and when I told him to run and get Mummy, he went inside yelling ‘MUMMY! FATHER CHRISTMAS IS HERE! I thought it was adorable!”

It certainly was, Stevie! Thank you!

As for the rest of you lot, I’m waiting for your answers!

Until then, ta-ra!

- Gertie