
What If Owner Driver Jobs Didn’t Exist?

Written by Gertie | 24-Jan-2014 12:29:27
‘DSC00032’ (c) 2003 by David, Bergin, Emmett and Elliot. Used under a Creative Commons license.

Hello my dears!

Today, I’m bringing you a bit of a "food for thought" type of post. See, my nephew Steven (who some of you may have heard of) came over for dinner the other night, and we ended up talking about owner driver jobs. Stevie isn’t getting as much work as he would like at the moment, unfortunately. That got me (and him) thinking about potential reasons why itis happening.

Eventually, the conversation became about the number of things that are made easier for people because of owner driver jobs like Stevie’s. In turn that led to my nephew and I speculating about what life would be like if those owner driver jobs did not exist. I knew right then that I had the subject matter for my next post, and here we are.

What you will read below is the list Stephen and I came up with of things that would be much, much harder if owner driver jobs stopped existing, or had never existed in the first place. Other suggestions are, of course, always welcome – you know I love hearing from you dears! So if you can think of anything else, please let me know through the usual means. Anyway, without further to-do, here’s our list:

House moves. A lot of moving jobs are done by owner-drivers, either because the people moving know them personally or because their rates are better than those of larger companies. If owner driver jobs didn’t exist, people would either have to move on their own or be forced to hire one of the pricier corporate companies.

Online shopping. True, major online retailers have their own messenger and delivery companies, but smaller retailers and eBay shops sometimes rely on owner driver jobs. Without them, online shopping might be limited to Amazon.

House clearances. Many people who work owner driver jobs also have some sort of rubbish or house removal company. Without this type of job, it would be much harder to get rid of your larger unwanted items when moving house.

That is all we could come up with for now, but it’s a start. Feel free to jump in at any time with your insights.

Ta-ra for now!

- Gertie