
More Stories About Self Employed Courier Jobs

Written by Gertie | 18-Dec-2012 12:35:00


"Write a letter to you" © 2009 annilove, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license:


Hello, dears!

If you are a keen reader of this little blog of mine, you may recall a while ago I asked you – the readers who had held self-employed courier jobs in the past, or knew somebody who had – to send in your stories. Good or bad, amusing or disheartening, it made no matter – all that I asked was that they were related to some form of courier work.

Suffice it to say, only a day or two after that, my inbox had been positively flooded with contributions from you darlings! There were so many, and so good, that I immediately promised myself I would make more than one volume, and try to leave out as few readers as possible. You may already have read the first volume I published a while back, but that was just a sample of what you have sent me. There was so much more to go over, that I have picked another batch of stories from among my e-mails and letters and posted them below for you all to enjoy. I hope you like this second instalment as much as I do, my dears!

“Courier work pretty much saved my life. I lost my job working at the supermarket, and I'd been on benefits while I tried to look for another. I couldn't find anything, though, because all the good jobs required poncy university degrees and all the ones that didn't had rubbish pay. Then one day I was speaking to my mate Gavin and he told me he was making a few quid delivering parcels, so I decided to give it a try. All I can say is, it's brill! You can make your own schedule, there's no so-and-so of a boss breathing down your neck, and the pay's well decent! I would recommend any of you who don't have a job but do have a bike or a van to get off your bums and get self employed courier jobs. Trust me, it's worth it!” - Jaz.

(I must say, Jaz, darling – you should mind your language somewhat! I am very happy that self employed courier jobs helped get your life back on track, but my dear, we do not use certain words in polite company! I've had to edit this post a little because of that, I hope you don't mind.)

“As the owner of a small delivery company, I often offer self employed courier jobs. I find that these are significantly better than transport contracts, for a number of reasons: drivers are happier making their own schedule, and it doesn't cost the company as much as offering everyone fixed-term or open-ended transport contracts. It's a win-win situation, and one I resort to very frequently” - J. Kearns.

(Good to see owners benefit from this arrangement as much as drivers! Thank you for your contribution, J!)

“I've been a delivery driver for a while now. My best story happened a couple of years ago, when I went to deliver a parcel to a posh house in Chelsea. I arrive, park my van, knock on the door, and this lady comes to open – except she's stark naked! I didn't know what to do, I wanted to look but knew I probably shouldn't, so I just sort of stood there while she signed for the delivery, and then took off like I had wings on me feet! Needless to say, that felt like the longest time anyone ever took to sign one of them things! I wonder to this day if I should have tried anything, but I always end up thinking I would have probably lost my job!” - Matt.

(That seems like a, erm, good note to end on. Thank you Matt for your, erm, peculiar contribution. To all you other dears, ta-ra!)

Yours flustered,

Gertie xxx