Courier Exchange Blog

Courier Driver Tales Month Begins

Posted by Gertie on 03-Dec-2014 11:47:37

Hello, my dears!

You know, I was sitting around the other day wondering what to write this week when it suddenly occurred to me: with the amount of stories I hear at my cafe every day, why I had I not tried to do a fan interaction based on stories from the road?

I mean, almost every courier driver and haulier that stops at Gertie's has at least one mildly amusing anecdote to share with myself, the girls, and the other customers, so it stands to reason that between my many, many readers who work in the field, we would be able to come up with at least a few of these!

And because, as they say, where there's a will there's a way, I found a way to make my idea come true. After I thought up the concept, the other pieces actually fell into place quite quickly, and now, here we are looking down at a whole month of fan interactions and e-mail sharing. A month I have decided to call 'Courier Driver Tales Month'.

The name pretty much explains itself, I feel: if you are one of the dozens (hundreds?) of people reading this blog who works in some sort of road-based delivery capacity, I want to hear from you. It doesn't matter if you're a courier driver, a haulier (I know they're mostly over at Bill's blog, but you never know), a rubbish bin collector, whatever. As long as you go around in a van or lorry and collect or deliver things, I want to hear your stories. It also doesn't particularly matter what sort of story it is; as long as it's interesting, amusing, riveting, or all of the above, I want to hear it!

So if you have a tale from the road to share with me and the rest of the Cafe's customers, you know what to do. (I don't really have to go over how to send me things again, do I?)

I'll be waiting by my inbox with bated breath! (Well, unless I have to make tea, go to work or do laundry of course…)

