Hello, my dears!
Isn't the weather just gorgeous? It seems this time, summer has really, truly come to our end of the woods – and about blooming time, I say!
Still, summer isn't fun for everyone – if your job requires working outside, say, as a gardener or construction worker or even a courier, temperatures in excess of 25 degrees centigrade will probably have you fuming rather than jumping for joy. Still, a job is a job, and because I take pity on those of you who have to sweat while the rest of us have barbecues, here are a few tips for surviving the summer months.
Now, I know most of my readership works in the delivery field. Don't ask me why or how that happened, but it did. And that is why I am titling this post 'Courier' Tips. If you are not a courier, I apologize - you can still read the post anyway, since some of these tips may apply to you nonetheless. To those of you who will be pointing fingers and accusing me of never having worked in the field, well, you're right too – despite having a lot of courier friends, I have only been one myself for a very short period of time. But I would like to think that the advice I am about to give you is common sense, and that even someone who has never been part of the industry would be entitled to give it.
Right – now that that little disclaimer's out of the way, let's get to the point of this entry!
Gertie's Courier Tips For Surviving Summer
1. Stay hydrated. Liquids are the most important commodity for summer – whether it's water or juice (alcoholic drinks are not advisable for obvious reasons), make sure to keep plenty at hand. The hotter the day, the bigger your reserve of liquids should be – after all, you are going to be running around in and out of the van and sweating a fair bit, so you will need to replenish those levels!
2. Take breaks. I know it's tempting to push yourself as hard as you can, and being a courier gives you an opportunity to do just that outside of the gym. But remember that at the gym they will most likely have the AC going, or the windows open, to keep the environment cool. When you're on the road, this doesn't happen – if it's scorchio, then it's scorchio, and there's nothing you can do about it! And if that's the case, there's no sense in sweating yourself silly – you are impressing no one, and you're only harming yourself. Find a cool spot every few miles, stop and have a drink of water and a little sit-down. Then you can keep going. Be careful, however, to...
3. Avoid temptation. The swimming pool at that customer's house, or that beer garden along the road can seem very tempting, but remember: you're at your job, which you are getting paid to perform. I shouldn't have to tell you that work comes first, and fun later.
4. Dress light. I know some courier firms have their own uniform, but if you can at all help it, try to dress light. Not sweating so much is the first step for not suffering with the heat. This may be harder for the ladies, but try to do it as best you can.
There you go, my dears – four common-sense tips to make summer work a little more bearable. I may not have said anything new (I probably haven't), but a reminder is always a good thing, wouldn't you agree?
Until next time, take care and enjoy the sun!