Hello, my dear readers!
Today is a special day for me. Or should I say, for us. See, the other night I was sitting at home with nothing on the telly, just faffing around on the computer, and it occurred to me to try and track the oldest post on my blog. It wasn’t easy (I really need to start archiving my posts differently, don’t I?) but eventually I found it...and the date was 2009! November of 2009, to be more precise. Do you know what that means, my dears? It means, in just over a month, I’ll be celebrating my fourth anniversary as a blogger!
‘Gertie, you daftie’, you’ll probably be saying, ‘why not talk about this in November?’ Well, darlings, when you get to be my age, you’ll realize that a lot of things begin to slip your mind from one month to the next. In other words, I’ll probably have forgotten about it by then. So I thought we’d better talk about it now, while it’s fresh in my memory, and hopefully use November to talk about other things to do with self employed courier jobs and owner drivers and all those other things we usually talk about here.
And speaking of self employed courier jobs, if you would’ve told me I would keep my blog going strong for FOUR YEARS just talking about them, I wouldn’t have believed you. After all, I’m not a courier expert (or maybe I am...stay tuned for my next post!) I’m just a little old lady who runs a café. And sure, I get a lot of couriers coming through here, but I still wouldn’t have been able to see myself writing about almost nothing but delivery work for an entire year, let alone several.
Yet here we are, four years later, talking about how we’re here four years later. I’m surprised you haven’t grown tired of hearing me prattle on about self employed courier jobs month after month after month after month, but there you go. The good part of it is, after four years (I’m sorry I keep repeating it, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around it!) I think I’ve learned a bit more about the subject - with the precious assistance of my readers, of course!
And speaking of you lot...I have to thank you. One of the things that motivates me to write posts every month is knowing there will be at least a handful of you reading my ramblings. Not only that, whenever I even think of maybe writing about something else, I get a dozen emails saying one of my readers took my advice on self employed courier jobs, or suggesting I write about this or that aspect of them. You are probably the main thing that keeps me going, and that’s why there’s a picture of a cake up there – consider it an e-cake, to be shared among each and every one of you. And if anyone knows where my café is and wants to come by, I’ll make them a real cake – or at least give them a buttie on the house!
Here’s to four more, my dears!
- Gertie