Hello, darlings!
I shan't faff about too much this week. I'd like to think the title of this post speaks for itself, and that most of you will have a good idea of what we're about to engage in.
Yes, it's time for another one of our famed reader interactions – and one most of you are bound to particularly like. For, as you could probably tell from reading the title above, today we will be talking about the different types of delivery van, and which one is your favourite.
This time I've decided to go back to the roots of this blog, all those many years ago, and pick a discussion topic that is both interesting, relevant to my readers, and serious enough to interest you lot and get you talking! I feel like I've been racking my brain to come up with topics lately (and done pretty well I must say!), but I'm happy that a really good one came to me so easily this time.
But look at me – I promised I wouldn't waste any time, and here I am doing just that. So, let's get straight to the question you've all seen coming from the beginning – namely, what is your favourite type of delivery van, and why?
Now, to someone who isn't in the delivery business - or shall we say an 'informed outsider' (like me) - it may seem like every delivery van is the same. However, people who understand the industry know this could not be further from the truth – indeed, no two vans are alike, and each type has their very distinctive advantages and disadvantages.
It's precisely those advantages and disadvantages that I want to explore in this week's interaction; I want to see how they affect each of my readers in terms of their preference of van. So do be so kind as to write in and clarify this point for Aunt Gertie, won't you, dears?
I'll be eagerly awaiting your contributions. For now, though...
- Gertie