Hello, my dears!
In today’s post, I’ve chosen to talk about something quite dear to my heart: food. As many of you know, I run a cafe, and as many of you also know that cafe is often frequented by bicycle couriers and fellows who have owner driver jobs. And let me tell you, dears, most times those people are absolutely starving!
This got me thinking about how hard it must be to eat whilst on the road working owner driver jobs. I know many people who work in this field have large daily workloads and often very tight deadlines, so I suppose scarfing down a sandwich or bacon buttie in-between deliveries is the best they can aim for.
That was what inspired me to write today’s post. I know many, if not most of my readers have this type of job, and because I am ever concerned for your good health and well-being, I’ve decided to put my cafe-management expertise to work and offer a few tips on easy, light meals you can have while on the road working your owner driver jobs. For some, you won’t even need to stop your bike or van at all! So if you were ever worried that too few proper meals – or too many greasy-spoon meals – would affect your health, this article is for you! Here are a few meals you can easily make to eat on the road.
- Sandwiches. These are obviously the first thing anyone thinks about when it comes to food ‘on the go’ – and the beauty of them is, you can put pretty much anything inside! They are also relatively cheap, quick and easy to prepare – all you need is some bread (preferably a loaf) and a bit of whatever you want to put between the slices. You can even prepare them in a few minutes before leaving to work each morning – or, alternatively, you can buy them at any roadside supermarket chain or corner shop. Perfect for busy couriers working owner driver jobs!
- Cereal or chocolate bars. All right, so maybe they won’t make up for a full meal, but they have the advantage of being easy to eat ‘on the go’, even for people who cycle. And they will tide you over until your next rest stop.
- Milkshakes. These are, again, something you can whip up at home (provided you have a blender) and easily drink whilst on the road. Plus they have the added bonus of being delicious, more nutritious than flavoured milk or juice, and quite refreshing in the summer. Remember, however, to take a straw with you, and stay away from those ‘protein shakes’, they’re rather dodgy...
There you go, then, dears – a few suggestions for when you don’t have time to stop at the greasy spoon for a bite! If you do, though, I’d be delighted to have you!
- Gertie