Hello, dears!
See? This is why I love my readership! I take a moment to extend a call for help for a customer I barely know and you have never seen, and you respond like this! Marvellous!
If you did not read last week’s post, I had a man come through my cafe who I wanted to help after hearing his story. It turns out this fellow was a skilled driver, experienced in many forms of same day distribution within the industry, but found that summer work in his area was rather scarce. So, in an attempt to find him an alternative occupation until everyone in his town comes back from holiday, I reached out to my readers, asking if they could think of any same day distribution kind of courier work he could do during the summer months.
And you lot did.
Below are just a few of the many, many wonderful suggestions I got, and will be sure to pass on to the fellow when I see him again. Without further ado, here we go!
‘Ice-cream van driver. You said he was skilled behind the wheel of a van, so this would come naturally to him. It’s not hard to set up, and provided the British summer decides to lend a hand, you could stand to make quite a bit of money. Many experienced drivers I’ve worked with or know turned to this career path, so it could be good for your friend with his background in same day distribution.’ – James, Wales
‘He could try to contact local churches or schools and have some sort of partnership to drive the kids to the beach everyday and whatnot. Many of these places look for drivers for their summer activity camps, so if there is one just sitting about with nothing to do, both parties could stand to profit from the agreement. I know, as a Mum, I would like the person driving my children to be trustworthy and experienced!’ – Katherine, Herefordshire
‘If your town has one of those trains that take tourists around to see the sights and the seafront and whatnot, he could do that! I’m sure it’s a seasonal post and he would be released back to his courier duties once summer was over!’ – Anthony, Berkshire
Unfortunately, our area is inland, Anthony – but the other suggestions (and many more I got) are really good, and I’m sure he’ll consider them as an alternative to his courier career in same day distribution!
Thanks again, everyone! Ta-ra!
- Gertie