Hello dears!
Today I’m bringing you a slightly more reflexive post. You see, during the course of my day at the cafe, I serve a lot of people. And because I serve a lot of people, I obviously hear a lot of things. And one of the things I hear more often is customers complaining either about their owner driver jobs or about how people who have those kinds of jobs can’t do them properly.
To those people, I always make a point of saying: poppycock. I am (sadly) old enough to remember a time where the closest things we had to owner driver jobs were the mail-man and the delivery boy from the greengrocer’s (when there was one, which was not all the time). I remember what it was like back then, and when I compare it to the way things are now, I can’t in good conscience side with the people who say these types of jobs are a bad thing. They just make our life so much easier!
Still not convinced? All right, I shall prove it to you. For today’s post, I have made a list of things owner driver jobs helped make easier and faster than before. And now, I am going to present it to you.
- Queuing. No one likes queuing. No one. If you tell me you like queuing, I will know you for a naughty fibber. Back in the days before owner driver jobs, you had to pick your goods up from the location they were in every time, and chances were there would be a massive queue. Delivery services may be slow and amateurish, but at least your things get delivered to your door!
- International deliveries. I am old enough to remember when international deliveries literally took weeks, or even months, because they had to go by steamer or by train. Nowadays, you give your parcel or load to a company, they put it in a van, and within a few days your friend in Spain will have it in their hands!
- Online shopping. The appearance of these types of services, which deliver things to your door, has let people shop from inside their home. If they don’t want to, they don’t even need to go outside, ever. Sure, it takes a few more days to get your item than if you just went to the shops, but it will probably also be less dear, especially if it’s big electronic gizmos. In busy times of the year, such as around Christmas, it can also be much more convenient than traditional shopping.
- Flexible schedules. No more nine-to-five! You can now work around your personal or professional needs, without needing to lose money for it. I think that’s perfectly wonderful, if you ask me!
There you have it, then, my dears – a few reasons why I am going to continue supporting independent delivery services. Of course, the fact that my nephew works as one may have something to do with it as well...
- Gertie