Hello, everyone!
There's a lot to get to this time around, so I won’t waste any time with my usual waffling. Suffice it to say, you lot were great, I had some amazing answers, so on, so forth, on with the show!
Now, if you recall, the question I asked on my post last week was whether or not an owner driver could afford to take holidays, and if so for how long. This came after my nephew Stevie told me – to my amazement! – that his friends had frowned on him taking two weeks off to go travelling with his girlfriend. I asked my readers what they thought of this attitude, and here’s what they had to say:
‘Of course an owner driver should take holidays! We’re as human as everyone else, and come on, there aren’t even any bosses to tell us we can’t take days off! I’m not sure what those lads who work with Stevie are thinking, but he has the right idea. We all know what happens when we try to work for long periods without a rest – our bodies begin to shut down and we lose focus and begin to perform worse. So yes, by all means have a holiday, even if it means less money that month!’ – Jack, Kent
‘There are actually two aspects to that question that should be analysed separately. First, should an owner driver take holidays? Yes, without a doubt. Should they be *long* holidays? In my opinion, no. The longer you are away, the less you work that month, and the less you work the less money you make. This could bring about problems in the long run. If you’re financially stable enough to be able to afford a long break, though...be my guest.’ – Colin, Essex
‘I personally believe in taking as few holidays as possible. I’ll take holidays once I have enough money to retire and live large! Of course, I do take the odd day or week here and there, but mostly I prefer to work until I can afford to relax.’ – Steve, Tyne and Wear.
Something tells me Steve up here is quite young...call it a hunch...
Until next time, everyone! Thanks for participating!
- Gertie