Hello, my dears!
(And you really are dears, if my inbox this past week is anything to go by!)
Now, for a little context, those of you who were reading last week witnessed old Auntie Gertie standing up for her new colleagues and going on a rant about respecting people who work owner driver jobs. I guess I am relatively new to this Internet thing, even after four years. Either that, or I have the best readers on the Web, because I expected people to start telling me I’d gone too far and they weren’t going to read the blog anymore, but in fact the exact opposite happened – I got quite a bit of really positive feedback!
I was really surprised by this, as I read the post back after my head had cleared and scolded myself for having shown such a hot head about this issue. Your messages, however, changed all that – after reading them, I started thinking that yes, you were right, why shouldn’t I be upset about people who work owner driver jobs getting treated badly? Especially now that I am (in a way) one of them?
So this is one of those posts where I am going to keep quiet and let you lot do the talking. Without further ado, here are my favourite support messages from my post defending owner driver jobs.
“Gertie, you rock! Thanks so much for standing up for the downtrodden! Me and all my friends at the delivery company I am a partner at loved your post, and could not agree more!” – Dan, Warwickshire
“Oh my GOD. Someone should print out this article, make a bunch of copies, and show it to every snippy customer out there! Well done, Gerts!” – Hannah, Hertfordshire
“Thanks so much for understanding what those of us who work owner driver jobs go through – yes, the stories are real, and invariably depressing! I hope you never have to deal with a bad customer, although I’m sure you will” – Wallace, Devon
“Fantastic post, Gertie – you’re absolutely right in everything you say, and more people who are not in the industry (although I guess you technically are now) should think like you!” – Jo, London.
Thank you so much for the good wishes everyone. See you next month.
- Gertie