Hello, my dears!
Well, our Four-Year Celebration continues here at the blog (even though technically the anniversary is not until November), and it’s getting to be that time of the month. No, not THAT time of the month, dears; the time of the month when I turn over the blog to you, my readers, and print some of the lovely messages you send me.
You see, after I announced that this year is the fourth anniversary of my blog AND that I will be featuring in a reader’s newsletter, my mailbox got even more messages than usual. A lot of you wanted to congratulate me on either or both things, and many talked about the influence my advice on owner driver jobs and other courier-related matters has had on them, especially since I decided to get serious about it and start writing several entries every month. So what else could I do but give you the time of day (or the space of a post) to tell me how much you like me?
Usually, at this point, I would make a joke about how this type of post is easy filler, and gets me out of writing when I’m not inspired. Not this time, though. This post is an homage to YOU, my dears, and to how far we’ve come together. Thanks for everything!
And now, without further delay, my favourite messages of the past fortnight:
“Hi Gertie, it was great knowing that it’s been four years! I came on board sometime in the middle of that, thanks to an article on owner driver jobs. It was so good that I got interested, and ended up reading the rest. Since then, I’ve followed every update – so yes, I think I’m entitled to a piece of the cake!” – Hannah, Hertfordshire.
“What do you mean, you’re not an expert in owner driver jobs? I know I don’t get my advice from any other source (bar maybe Bill)! You do that interview, and you knock ‘em dead, love!” – Frank, Tyne and Wear
“I remember that first post! And I remember when the blog was left for months without an update! I was super-happy when you decided to make it into a steady thing, and I haven’t missed a post since! Here’s to four more!” – Jen, West Midlands
Yes, I know, dear. Shame on me.
“Dear Gertie,
Congratulations on four years. I haven’t been reading for quite that long, but jumped on board somewhere along the way and stayed on for the ride. You never fail to make me laugh, and your advice on owner driver jobs is sounder than you think. Plus I love when you involve us and ask our opinion – it makes me feel like we really matter to you!” – Joe, London
You do really matter to me, dear...
“Gerts – Congrats on four years. You made me want to go check when MY blog began – how ‘bout the one been at it the longest pays the other one a drink? – Bill. P.S - I STILL have the best readers!”
HA! You’re on anytime, sir!
Well, that’s it, my dears – my favourite ‘Happy Birthday’ posts from you lot (and Bill). Next time, I’ll think of something clever to close out the Unbirthday month. Until then, I leave you with the Unbirthday Song.
- Gertie