Hello, darlings!
Today we will be talking about career alternatives for people with self-employed courier jobs. You know, things they would be qualified or skilled for should their career go bottoms-up for some reason. While we did something similar a while back, it got such a huge response I thought it needed an update. This is not what my darlings think of this subject (although I do care what you think, you know that!), but rather a few ideas that old Gertie came up with herself.
With that in mind, here are the alternative careers I can see for people who are currently doing self-employed courier jobs:
- Athlete, namely a cyclist or triathlete. I don’t think I need to explain this one, do I, darlings? Many self-employed courier jobs are done on a bicycle, which would give most couriers the leg power and stamina for a long-term career in cycling or triathlon. And while most people would be quick to argue that they are ‘rubbish at sports’, they are usually thinking about team sports involving a ball. I’m sure most of my readers could hold their own in a cycling event.
- Customer service. I’m sure some of you would argue that what you do already falls within the bracket of customer service, but here I’m talking about working in a shop, for example. Self-employed courier jobs help you build up your confidence and find the right way to deal with customers, so most couriers would, I think, make for good retail sales people.
- Taxi driver. I know, not that far removed from self-employed courier jobs, but I hear it pays better, and most couriers already have a ‘brain GPS’ from all the years of zipping around whatever town they are based in. The leap would not be a large or unnatural one at all.
There you go then, dears. Three careers to consider in case your self-employed courier jobs don’t work out. Never let it be said that Auntie Gertie doesn’t help her readers!