Hello all!
Well, I’m excited – after however many years of blogging for all you lovely dears, I am finally going to get to pry into your lives! I can’t wait for the gossip! *Giggle*
Honestly, though, I still can’t believe we have not talked about this earlier – and apparently, neither could you! The feedback I got for last week’s post was tremendous, and almost every one of you mentioned what a good idea it was to ask readers how they got their self-employed courier jobs, and why they got them. After all, everyone probably has such different and exciting stories...!
Actually, this was only sort of true. I was surprised to find that a lot of you darlings got into self-employed courier jobs for roughly similar reasons, and there were a lot of entries I had to do away with for fear of this follow-up post becoming incredibly repetitive. Still, there was enough juice there to produce a couple of fun entries, and those you can read about below!
“Hi Gertie. Great topic! I’m curious to see what everyone’s story is. Mine’s a simple one – I needed a job and lived in a very small town, so the safest route was to throw in with old Dad! Dad happened to be an independent courier, and here I am. I know, nothing too exciting, but it takes all sorts I suppose.” – Gemma, Buckinghamshire
It does take all sorts, dear. And it was not that dull at all, actually!
“Great topic Gerts! And have I got just the tale for you. So it was 2009 and I finally got tired of ‘the Man’ treading me down. Long hours, lousy pay, even worse bosses...it was all getting to be too much! So, old hippie that I am, I made amends for selling out all those years ago, took my van and started working for another man – myself! I’ve never looked back, and neither should anyone else! And what’s more, nobody will ever turn you down for being too old!” – Gavin, Cumbria
Great story, Gav! There will be a buttie waiting for you if you ever come around my cafe, you old hippie you!
“The main reason that made me take up self-employed courier jobs were my kids. When I only had one baby, I could manage, but when Rob and I had a second I knew I would have to leave a 9-to-5 schedule and work around my boys’ needs. It actually ended up working quite well, and even with Ethan now old enough to help mind Aidan, I have no plans to go back to a corporate job!” – Ella, Middlesex
“Mine’s another dull story of a poor teenager looking for work and not getting it. After almost getting scammed by a couple of those companies you see online – you know the sort – I’ve decided that playing it safe and partnering up with my mate was the best option. We didn’t really know what to take up, so we just started doing self-employed courier jobs around town, and it stuck! Today we have our own little local company!” – Daz (Darren), Norfolk
Good on you, lads! I’m glad you made it work for you!
Well, that’s it, my dears. A few entirely unrelated stories that all end on the same note: with my readers going into business for themselves delivering things. Isn’t life fascinating?
See you next month, my dears!
- Gertie