Hello, my dears!
I hope you are all having a great week, full of successful deliveries and profits!
Hello, my dears!
I hope you are all having a great week, full of successful deliveries and profits!
Topics: Courier Jobs
Hello, darlings!
I hope everyone is having a fab summer and not being too put off by the crazy succession of heat waves and rainy spells. Although I really don't think you will be - after all, we ARE British!
Hello, my darlings!
I hope everyone is ready for a post full of gushing excitement, because I have some big news! The biggest courier job related event of the year is coming – and old Gertie is attending. I feel like Cinderella!
Topics: Courier Jobs
Hey, everyone!
That's right – a different greeting than usual! Because – surprise – it's a different person writing!
Hello, my dears!
Well – this month has been rife with excitement, hasn't it? What started with a slightly dull, very sensible post about road safety quickly escalated into something else entirely! Last week, we discussed new ergonomic seating and dashboards for Ford Transit vans, and THIS week...well, this week, we'll be discussing something even MORE exciting. This week, we'll be taking a look at the van of the future!
Hello, darlings!
Bit of an odd post today, as you may have seen by the title. And before you ask – no, it's not sponsored or anything. I just wanted to talk about a specific brand of van, because I know many of you darlings like it and drive it in your day-to-day jobs. So I just know those of you who do will be ecstatic at what I have to tell you.
Hello, darlings!
First off, before we even begin, a warning – I'm feeling quite perky today. So if I sound excitable in this post, you lot will know why!
Topics: Courier Driver
Hello, darlings!
I hope you're having an excellent start to your summer and enjoying the balmy weather. After all those months of winter, we deserve it!
Topics: courier work
Hello, darlings!
Well – I must say I did not expect what happened to me this past week!
If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know I tend to pick my subjects for each post fairly independently and they often just outright fall into my lap. This week, however, my choice came about a little differently –someone actually specifically requested it!
Topics: Courier Jobs
Hello, darlings!
Before we begin today's post, let me start by thanking you all for the kind feedback on the past few posts. It seems the more serious subjects go down well with you lot and I even seem to have gained a few new readers off of them (at least according to those fancy statistics sites Stevie has shown me).
Topics: Courier Jobs
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